Terms and Conditions

Sale of any Products or Services, as each is defined in the Contract, is expressly conditioned on Buyer’s assent to these Terms and Conditions. Any acceptance of Seller’s offer is expressly limited to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and Seller expressly objects to any additional or different terms proposed by Buyer. No Buyer form shall modify these Terms and Conditions, nor shall any course of performance, course of dealing, or usage of trade operate as a modification or waiver of these Terms and Conditions. Any order to purchase property or receive services shall constitute Buyer’s assent to these Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise specified in the quotation, Seller’s quotation shall expire thirty (30) days from its date and may be modified or withdrawn by Seller before receipt of Buyer’s conforming acceptance. Fulfillment by Seller of any order by Buyer shall not constitute acceptance of any of Buyer’s terms and conditions and does not serve to modify or amend these Terms and Conditions.